My prefered software for writing/storing/organizing notes and informations is Microsoft Office OneNote. It turned out extremely helpful for me.
You can also paste content of the web page there.

I believe it is bundled in some Office suites but I donīt use MS Office so I bought it as standalone product.

I did research on similar programs but amazingly no other software of this category come even close to the OneNote (at least on Windows platform). I never thought that MS can do so excellent and though out software. ( )

However for a very quick recording of text informations from the web page that I am just reading I use this method in Opera (which is my web browser):
I select the text which I am interested in and want to store, right click > Copy to note (Ctrl+Shift+c).
It will be later accesible in the Notes section of the Opera, I can easily find it via search in Notes, I can organize notes to categories for bettter orientation and if I double click the note, it will open the web page from where the note was recorded.
So this is sometimes much more useful than creating a bookmark - you have got specific text recorded (searchable and within a category) and the url of the webpage is stored along with it.
Good thing is that Notes can be backed up for they are located as a file in Opera profile folder. Opera now also offers backup/synchronization of itīs elements (including Notes) via Opera Link. Video showing the quick creation of a note -

Maybe other browsers possess similar function if you donīt use Opera.

Another interesting solution for storing informations could be PersonalBrain but it has quite different approach to it that may not suit everyone. ( )