Originally Posted By: NightHiker
Personally, for "minor" stuff like road rash, I like the gauze to stick to the wound - a little wound debriedment with every dressing change isn't a bad thing and I'm kinda sick like that. wink

and after you debride it, you sprinkle some salt on it to make it heal faster.

There are some gel pads on the market, telfa pads, vaseline gauze and plain gauze smeared with bacitracin work okay, tho the latter keep the wound kind of damp. The old standby approach, serving both anti-pain and debridement functions, is to soak the wound, old dressings and all, in warm salt water. softens the adherent secretions, improves circulation to the area, and permits relatively painless removal of the dressing. Cheap, easy, simple...much like myself...
Dance like you have never been hurt, work like no one is watching,love like you don't need the money.