My husband likes to sail and I know they use a lot of ropes. Is there anyone here that knows if the Benchmade Hook would be a good present for someone who likes to sail? I would then have to decide which one would be the best for him. I would tend towards model 5 with a soft pouch.

I might have to wait and get it for his birthday though, since I already have his Christmas present picked out.

I just read an article "Excalibur Down!"," in one of his magazines (Sail Magazine 12/2003 - special issue on safety at sea) where one of the survivors had to cut his safety line to keep from drowning. John Rogers, the survivor said: I was on deck, clipped on with my safety harness, and suddenly found myself trapped under water in complete darkness. Fortuenately, I had immediate access to my knife, as I could not get the safety clip on my tether undone and had to cut myself free. I found my way out from under the boat, inflated my PFD, and started looking around and calling for other survivors."

He said in the subtitle of this article: "In the ultimate survival test, it's the gear in your pockets that counts the most!" - sounds like you guys!

So, I am wondering if the Benchmade is something that you can have easy access to on your person if you ever found youself in a situaltion like this, or would his knife be better?

Here's an article on this accident on the web if someone is interested. The accident occured last year: Father clings to hope after yacht overturns

After reading articles on boating safety, and this artcile about how he had to cut himself free, it makes me think that maybe a tool like the Benchmade would be a good one to have. However, it may be easier to have a knife handy like he did then a Benchmade Rescue Hook. What do you think? Can it be attached on your outer clothes pretty easy to get to quickly?


Edited by Joy1 (12/07/03 01:38 AM)