Which reminds me, I stopped into a few sporting goods stores this weekend, and noticed rather alarmingly that the firearms sections were a bit nuts. I tried to buy a pistol, and the call-in on the background check is still delayed today. Apparently whoever is processing such requests is overwhelmed to the point that it is taking well over 24 hours to return an all-clear for the sale. This compared to it taking less than 5 minutes two months ago to buy a shotgun in Florida as a Colorado resident. Go figure.

When I say hunting, I was referring to big game hunting. Those dog sized deer in Central Florida are not much more than overgrown rodents it seems, and shooting gators as a non-resident seemed a bit cost prohibitive on the permit. Swamp hogs are big enough, but taste too muddy for my palate.

When they get elk to hunt in Florida, I may give you a call. One of my pals (the dive instructor) went to Georgia this weekend and shot a spike deer. It weighed 95 lbs on the hoof, probably less than 70 after he field dressed it. Them Georgia deer are a bit larger than the Florida variety I hear.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)