>>Do any of you own this knife? <<<br><br>I own one- is there something specific I can answer? It's very flat, very light, ground on one side like the folding KISS versions, and has a fairly light and flat but complex hard sheath. A lot might depend on the carry you have in mind, and whether you like or despise chisel grinds.<br><br>IMHO, while CRKT knives are not perhaps the pinnacle of production knives these days, they are generally a very good value for the money- they seem to be equivalent in quality to production knives that cost easily twice as much, and better than some. I understand it's because the brand owns it's own production facilities, cutting out some middlemen. Real bargains can be found on-line.<br><br>I haven't actually used the stiff KISS much, but I have used other CRKT knives, including Sampson's KISS, and they've done fine so far. I'm quite fond of the Sampson's KISS for everyday carry in the suburbs- but a knife is such a personal thing, I'm hesitant to recommend ANYTHING to others.<br><br><br>