Another vote for Burt.

Sorry to say, I've caught parts of the SciFi Channel series twice, and it sort of looks like they've lost the sense of humor that made the movies. There's no way to take this stuff very seriously, folks- that's what made it fun, that they realized (and showed that they realized) that it was an inherently absurd situation.

On a broader issue, note that there just aren't that many candidates to choose from. Rambo went to absurdity without a sense of humor, proving (yet again) that that doesn't work, and Tom Hanks in "Cast Away" spent 4 years on an island apparently accomplishing nothing much (after the first week or so) beyond pining for Helen Hunt (fruitlessly, as it turns out) and attempting suicide... didn't even bother to improve his digs in a wet cave in all that time. Not exactly a heroic model.

You really have to dig for examples of resourceful protagonists in TV and the movies. Most plots are stupidity-driven, and most intelligent characters are villains- or at least "mad" scientists. That's so much the case that when someone intelligent does show up on screen that's not the villain, they almost always turn out to be evil in the end, and are invariably defeated by the dumbed-down hero (they may SAY the protagonist is intelligent, but they invariably behave stupidly). What does that say about our culture?