An old, well serviced Collins might be the best you will ever get, they don't make machetes that good any more. smile

Otherwise, Barteaux (French) is pretty much top notch as far as quality, no frills modern working machetes are concerned.

Martindale models may come close but they are tempered slightly softer in general. Some of the Martindales are forged out of thicker stock, not just stamped out of a thin steel sheet, so they are more appropriate for heavier vegetation.

Tramontina is cheap, not nearly as well made but should still be usable. After all it's the stuff that a lot of people in the third world use these days.

Ontario machetes don't really have a good reputation. I hear the grips are especially prone to shattering.

At any rate, avoid stainless steel! A good machete blade needs to be very tough and springy. Carbon steel (say 1050 to 1095 and other simnilar compositions) is the way to go.