Originally Posted By: samhain
Kinda like when you have a baby, you crawl around on the floor to see what hazards you can see from the baby's point of view.

Pretend you're trying to break in.

How would you get in? When is going to best time to do it and not be caught?

Pretend you want to get a hold of one of the family members to do harm.

How would you get to them? Where would you wait for an ambush? When would you attack?

I found the exercise scary as hell but I became aware of some weak spots in our defenses that I hadn't thought of.

The hardest is deciding which breach is most likely and focusing on that, and not turning the home into a prison.

Never did what you suggest as an excercise, but many times as a kid I'd "break into" our old house after forgetting my keys on the way to school. And, once at my parent's new home after I drove cross country, and realized I didn't have keys to the house since I moved 3000 miles away. So, I've broken into both of my parents' houses before. All without breaking the windows! Imagine how easy it'd be for someone that made a job out of that sort of thing.

Edited by MDinana (10/27/08 05:20 PM)