I prepare for social/general. By social I mean the infrastructure of society breaking down to a degree. By general I mean that my basic strategy is to shelter in place, and that works against a wide variety of outside disasters, including nuclear, epidemic, and zombies (if they are the slow sort that are stymied by door-knobs, otherwise I'm a bit stuffed).

So for example, although the supermarkets seem to have lots of stuff on their shelves, I know they are serving a wide area and they probably operate a "just in time" stocking policy which means they are liable to run out quite quickly (especially if there is panic buying). I witnessed this a few years ago, when lorry drivers went on strike over fuel prices, and after just a week there were some shortages in supermarket bread. My preparations involve stock-piling food and other consumables (eg toilet paper).

Mains supplies of gas, electricity and water can be interrupted by a variety of things, including the supply company getting into difficulties. I try to diversify in the hope that not all suppliers are affected at once. I can cook with gas or electricity, and I also have an open coal fireplace with a stockpile of coal so I can keep warm. I stockpile drinking water and batteries and have plans for replenishing them.

I don't prepare for the end of civilisation as we know it. That would probably involve finding a career that would be more useful in such circumstances. I don't much prepare for natural disasters because in the UK we don't really have many. Earthquakes are rarely severe, hurricanes and volcanoes unknown. Tornadoes happen but are extremely local so I figure if my house is hit I'll just check into a hotel or something.
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