The Lake District is one of the few areas of the UK with patchy mobile phone coverage. Many people outdoors these days fall back on their mobile phones to call for help when there is an emergency and have no other plan. Unfortunately this would leave them dangerously exposed in the Lake District, no coverage, no help.

Thus by stopping the use of phones the runners KNOW in advance to have a safety plan that works. The right kit,knowledge and experience to get out of trouble. They know no one will be coming to their aid because they can't just call.

These runners are in pairs and have a culture of helping other pairs to complete the course, high camaraderie.

The course is tough and only for very experienced people who have to prove that experience before being allowed to enter the race.

It works, the OMM has been going for years, over 40 I believe, and the only problems are usually twisted ankles and so on. It is indicative that even in the appalling weather this year only trivial injuries have occurred.

One of the objects of the race is to build self reliance but our society is increasingly being the nanny. These people know exactly the risk, manage it correctly and succeed safely year after year.

It shows there are other ways of being safe without relying on mobile phones, GPS and technology in general.