1. Gate the entrance.
1a. Fence property if accessible by vehicle any other way, or block other entrances with other gates or road blocks.

2. Dogs scare off wanna-be crooks not real ones who do the damage, dogs are a good method to alert you that someone is coming or at / around your house... use the dog for nothing more than alert.

3. Home security system... to your cell #: http://www.alarmsystemstore.com/GE-Simon-XT-Wireless-Sensors-and-Remotes-s/67.htm is a good system, you get page you call authorities. You can also tie it into a monitoring service if you want too.... door, window, motion, glass, etc sensors, great stuff. Loud alarm too is good.

4. Video cameras. Good to check if you heard a sound and want to see if anyone is snooping around near your house, unless you have BIG $ not good for around property. Good if you have broadband and want to check-up from internet too while you are away. Also nice to have hooked up to a computer w/wireless router so you can connect to your *SECURE* network via your laptop and view cameras from anywhere in the house. (You hide, check cameras find out where the threat is coming from).

5. Flood lights around house that you can turn on when you are home and think you are threatened.. blinding light facing outward, and you can see most threads coming then.

6. Know your weak spots and make sure you can monitor them good.
6a. Know your strengths and an area you can `run to` and defend better than your other areas.

7. Learn your new area, the sounds, the vehicles, etc. don't be surprised by things that are common / repeated for that area.

8. Make sure you and the wife know how to use a fire arm.

9. Walkie-Talkies when you go out on the property to the wife back home... gotta stay in touch.

As I think of more I`ll let you know.
Self Sufficient Home - Our journey to self sufficiency.