Did she not see what a cat did to you? Seems a bit selfish to me.
Oh well, get her another cat then, and (try to) teach it how to fetch. That ought to get yer blood flowing again.
Either that, or since you've now had a similar experience with a cat, you can both do without. Won't win you any popularity points, but fair is fair.
I had to relinquish my Chocolate lab when I came to the realization that I wouldn't be around enough to take care of him, and the wife wouldn't do what needed to be done for him either. He went to a happy home on a ranch and last I heard is enjoying life with a 16 year old boy.
Shortly thereafter, we found a house in Florida that we wanted to rent that had a no pets policy. The wife's mini dacshund went to a new home. Now we have no pets, no messes to clean, and we save money on no more pet food and supplies. Kinda sucks, but quid pro quo. She didn't want to take care of my pet, and I no longer wanted to pay for hers.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)