Originally Posted By: aloha
Originally Posted By: Troglodyte007
IS THAT REAL? If so, I'd watch out for Raptors if I were you.

That's all real Troglodyte007.

Don't worry about the Raptors, we keep them on this island.

You are actually quite astute. There is a large "raptor" population the haunts the lake area.

The geese are especially aggressive. They will peck at little kids' faces.

Hey, aren't birds supposed to be decedents of the dinosaurs and specifically the velocirapters and t-rex. When they said "hen-pecked" back in the Jurassic era, they really meant it as a bad thing!!! smile

If I were you, I'd be at least as concerned about "smoke monsters" (from the show Lost) as I would about rapters! smile

Edited by Roarmeister (10/22/08 12:27 AM)