More than 20 of us had a great time at the Finger Lakes this weekend. Special thanks goes to SB Raider who put the whole thing together. Among other activities, Marty Simon and his wife Aggie, owners of Wilderness Learning Center, took us out on plant identification tours each day. One of his instructors, Bob Plude, showed some of the participants how to make a bowl out of a short length of log, using coals from the fire and pine pitch. Sorry I didn’t get some photos of that. In addition L.T. Wright and Dan Coppin, of Blind Horse Knives, were on hand to share knowledge about knives and how to use them in various situations.
The event was so successful that DW (who thinks sipping wine on the deck is outdoor living) now wants to go to Cabella’s with me. It probably didn’t hurt that we each won one of the Bark River Knife and Tool Co. knives the company donated to be raffled off.
Here are some photos:
A general view of the campsite.
Jerry and Marcello on one of the hikes.
Bob demonstrating fire making skills using cattails.
Finger Lakes area is beautiful during fall foliage season.
A local game warden gave the group a bear talk. That’s Marty on the right.