Following suite, and now that I am once again a Colorado resident:

1. Fire, especially now that I have gas utilities again. The house is equipped with CO monitors, smoke detectors, and I have 4 fire extinguishers, and I know where the gas shutoff valve is.

2. Snowstorm, for which I am buying a gasoline powered snowblower, I am filling all my oil lamps again, and I am rigging a 24v control circuit for the fireplace gas system (in case the power also goes out). I am also getting 4 studded snow tires and chains for each vehicle, and have added a 0 degree sleeping bag to each vehicle's kit. I have enough foul weather gear etc for a platoon.

3. Gas shortage, I commute, no longer a problem.

4. Commodity shortage (groceries, sundries), my pantry is overstocked, my refrigerator is stuffed, and I am about to replace the deep freeze I got rid of in the move from Orlando with an even bigger one, which I intend to fill with deer and elk meat soon.

5. Terrorist attack/natural disaster/act of God, I pray everyday. It can't hurt, and who's to say that wasn't what kept me alive in Baghdad?

6. Violent crime, Browning BPS with extended mag in 12 gauge with 20" barrel while at home. Glock 21 with extra magazine loaded with 200 gr. hydrashoks. Maintain situational awareness.

The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)