This house buying is taking forever, and since it hasn't closed I've made no update posts due to the reasoning, hoops, etc.
Offer accepted in August, and we've been in escrow since.
Talk about jumping through hoops with todays market. In August the market/lending wasn't near as bad as it's gotten and it has gotten nothing but worse for us too.
2 appraisals, not wanting our money, requiring items to be fixed to lend on it, waiting on a 'drive by appraisal', and TONS more things we've had to do.
Loan docs ordered late last week, hoping to close this week. Already planning for extension...
Talk about a long long journey. Numerous trips to the house from our current location (1hr 15min away), many long long days of driving and working.
Did I mention it's rained once or twice (light) already and we need a roof too... holy smokes this is a trip!
Fun, but exhausting