Welcome, Sasser! It's always nice to get a few more X chromosomes around here. The Ys here are really great, but sometimes they tend to get carried away just a teensy bit

with the bulletproof, zombieproof Hummer with the gun turrets (aka 'gear'), when we women know that we can scrounge up something just as good from the junk in the garage in five minutes

But a better bunch of guys you won't find anywhere, and that's a promise! They're from all walks of life and all kinds of experience and knowledge, and if there's something you need to know about ANYTHING (not just on-topic), there's going to be at least half a dozen guys that know all about it, and probably more.
So don't be afraid to ask and don't be afraid to offer.
You can do a Search on zombies, if you want, but when someone here tells you to Beware of the Zombies, just replace 'zombies' with 'politicians', and you'll probably be just fine.