Isn't it in the very nature of humankind to come together as a group? Freedom to starve to death individually isn't much of a freedom.

ie, families, clans, communities, neighborhoods, counties, states, countries...

Rugged individualism is great fodder for novels and gun magazines but it's pretty much impossible to achieve in a modern world, or in any world for that matter. We are all part of the world, like it or not.

"as he fights this loneliness that you call freedom..."
Billy Bragg

John E

P.S. there is a documentary called "The Take" about the financial collapse in Argentina. Haven't seen it but it's been highly recommended as a very good look at what took place there.

Edited by JohnE (10/10/08 04:08 PM)

"and all the lousy little poets
comin round
tryin' to sound like Charlie Manson"

The Future/Leonard Cohen