If it isn't with you, it can't save youTM
lol. That's a good point, now isn't it?
OTOH, they are not quite built like a brick, so there's a trade off to be made. I vote for improving the chances it will be with you when you need it.
Thanks, Doug. That's what I like about your approach to preparation. You keep the "first principle" in mind ("
If it isn't with you, it can't save youTM") while being realistic about the trade offs.
Anything clever and practical that I've overlooked?
Chest rig, as in Ironraven's "Ditch Kit".
I was hoping someone might post something about that. I've seen the SAR and USFS folks with chest rigs, and I thought they might be a good option. Have you got a link to a post or photos of Ironraven's kit?
You can wear a chest rig 24/7 if need be as it doesn't interfere with a pack & waist belt like everything else I've tried.
Exactly! That's a big part of why I'm hesitant to wear my PLB on my belt. Belt worn objects tend to conflict with the belly band (aka "hip belt" for all you youngsters out there) of my pack. A fanny pack worn backwards is a bit more suitable, but still gets in the way some.
The way miniaturization is advancing I would think that soon manufacturers would offer a cellphone that would allow a PLB feature to be included with the service.
Now, that would be pretty cool.
Even beyond that, perhaps we'll one day have a cell phone/sat phone/cordless phone/GPS/altimeter/thermometer/heart rate monitor/PLB/cam corder/camera/MP3 player/palmtop computer all rolled into one. Of course I'll want one with the flux capacitor, warp drive, and transporter beam options ...