While it is tragic that such deaths have happened, I do not feel badly for these people.....their families....yes.

We see it a lot here in Fl. People think....oh they (meteorologists) were wrong that Hurricane XYZ was going to hit us and it didn't (for whatever reason).....then the next time they think...oh they'll just be wrong again.....or they 'forget' what it was like after the last one hit.....so they stay.....then they call us to come get them, despite the repeated warnings they were given......it reminds me of the joke about the guy who refuses to evacuate during (insert major event here). He keeps telling his neighbors "G_d will save me." NOAA alert, Weather forecaster, neighbor, rescue boat and ultimately (while the guy is on his roof) a SAR Helicopter all come by to 'rescue' him and he tells them all, "G_d will save me." He drowns. Upon reaching heaven he meets G_d and asks him why he didn't save him. G_d replies, "What!?! NOAA, a meteorologist, your neighbors, a boat and a helicopter WEREN'T ENOUGH!?!"

They'll continue to do it......"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." -- Thomas Jefferson ....so to it seems that 'some' people need to have these deaths occur so to remind them that things like this not be taken lightly.