Sadly, we never made it to the stories.

Doug had many questions to answer, it was kind of one of those rare times you get to talk to the man behind the curtain (oz ref). I was very interested to know that he spends a fair amount of time attending SAE airline safety committees, because "thats how he can help the most people at one time." A cogent thought. He'll be at the SARscene in Canada doing some cool stuff there, but thats his story to tell.

Just learning what he did and why was a full dinner topic which was worth hearing.

I did get to ask him "ok, so what does DOUG RITTER carry in his kit" which I just couldn't help asking like some kinda tourist. To give you a hint, he arrived with a backpack, a fanny pack, and pockets full!

Ok, actually, his kit just fit in his pockets, just kidding on that one.

I think he said that most of the foundation's income comes from products, which I'll be buying a couple of since I actually got to hold almost all of them in my hands.

Anyway, please support the forum you love, if you can. He did not bring this up... I did... I asked him a lot of questions about the foundation and after hearing the answers I think both Blast and I felt a bit sheepish, but I think thats because Doug is a very unassuming, no pressure guy as you can see by the incredible lack of pressure he puts on fundraising for the foundation. Hats off to him for that. I don't care to see a lot of ads, but the help Doug provides to the public at large is quite valuable.

He drops the unassuming act if you are Boeing and you are sitting in a 3 day airplane safety meeting. Then he is a real bear to deal with.

Edited by clarktx (10/02/08 07:59 PM)
Edit Reason: clarification
You can't teach experience.