Originally Posted By: scabby

Just some quick question on the pack its self.

In 'panel 4' I see two bags with mesh tops (one contains quick clot and the other has your books/info/cheat sheets).

1/Do those bags come with the lit, or did you buy them else where?

2/Are the removable or fixed??

The mesh panels are sewn into the pack, and serve as the dividers for the removable airway and injectables kits. The literature was acquired separately, as was everything else in the FAK.

Originally Posted By: scabby
Panel #3, Zippered Pocket, Top

1/Would you say that this pocket can hold an Ambu SPUR II BVM?

Not without significantly crushing it -- the pocket is only a few inches deep. The 3-Day assualt pouches on either side of the pack are just the right diameter for the BVM.

Originally Posted By: scabby
How did you attach the Blackhawk® 3-Day Assault Pack Accessory Pouch, on the sides of your kit?

The accessory packs feature a pair of male and female side release buckles and straps which simply insert (in series) into the existing STOMP II side compression straps. The accessory pouches essentially then serve as the compression straps once installed, and swing down out of the way when access to the main pack is required.

Originally Posted By: MDiana
As some have pointed out... might want some more Narcan if you have morphine. Narcan has a fast half-life. A 9.0 ET tube is probably too big for most things, but hey, they're light-weight.

The Narcan has since been increased to 10mg (1mg/mL x 10mL vial).

Although they are somewhat difficult to see in the photo, there is also a 6.0mm and a 7.5mm ET tube in addition to the two 9.0 ET tubes located in the airway kit. I also have two King LT-D supraglottic airways (red tip) for PT’s 5’ to 6’ tall (one in the airway kit and a second in the supplemental airway accessory pouch).

My EDC and FAK