Hi Susan,

I thought he had a dirt bike or something... taking a quarter ton+ Harley into the desert??? Talk about equipment failure...

According to the photo in the story, it looks like he had a dirt bike, not the Harley.

One clue might come from his blog. In July, he wrote about running out of gas in his 650-pound Harley and pushing it for two hours along a country road, semi trucks roaring by, until he found a gas station. He didn't call friends because he didn't want them to have to get out of bed to come get him.

Most folks would just find a petrol station, purchase a petrol can and some petrol and return to the Harley and fill it up. Even more strange is that he seems to have repeated the same mistake and run out of petrol for his dirt bike just a few weeks later.

Rescue crews found his camp, where he still had several pouches filled with water, that Sunday.

Even stranger. Sounds like he did something daft which cost him his life.

Edited by Am_Fear_Liath_Mor (09/29/08 05:37 PM)