I agree.

What I found during the hurricane was that most people I know were very capable and handled it fine on their own. These people rejected any offers of help.

The only situation I found where someone would have needed help would have been in a catastrophic situation. In which case the neighbors would have been there first anyway.

I'll give you an example. A friend of mine had a surplus of goats because the restaraunts weren't taking delivery (obviously). Goats = fresh meat. But, my food stores were never taxed to the point where it was actually worth pursuing. My cell was not working, so I let Blast know through this forum (thanks wildman800) but he didn't need it either. Would additional infrastructure helped me communicate this better? Well, maybe to some other people in the Houston area... but I don't know those people at the moment and see below about that.

I do think that calling trees would be a great idea, but would work best when created among like minded individuals.
You can't teach experience.