Ummagumma was released in 1969 with CWTAE one of the tracks. Syd Barret was still into rather interesting music before mental illness overcame his creativity.
I found the album at the start of my High School days when everybody else was turning summer of love Hippycrite.
I stuck with these wierd brit bands like The Kinks. My mother thought LOLA was 'A sweet song' and never really listened to the lyrics closely.

In 1974 I was attending Arctic Survival School. I managed to smuggle a box of hershey bars in my Parka and two cassete tapes: Floyd and Hendrix. My CPO somehow brought a BOOM BOX and Frank Sinatra.

I traded chocolate for playing time in between Old Blue Eyes (who I've appreciated ever since.)
We were sitting out, watching the Northern Lights, eating contraband Hershey bars and drinking also verboten Jack Daniels.

Sometime between ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER, NEW YORK NEW YORK and SET The CONTROLS FOR THE HEART OF THE SUN, every snowbunny, squirrel, ptarmigan ,mouse and vole within 25 miles caught a plane for Seattle.

Those poor USAF and Navy guys starved trying to catch something in those deadfall traps. Us Coasties just kept a very strong disciplined rationing of JD, Chocolate and fruitcake behind the Spruce treees. I've never really put much effort into snares since then.

Amazing what you could sew into those old issue parkas!

Edited by Chris Kavanaugh (09/16/08 05:25 AM)