I bought this really strange album when I read 'Carefull with that axe Eugene.' I knew my older, pre Beatles and Beach Boys brother would hate it.

My first 8 track in the cutting edge aftermarket player stuffed into my MGA coupe was Dark Side of the Moon. It was playing the night I barreled into a unplanned 4 wheel drift on the Old Pass Road and almost took out some of the Manson Gang walking stoned down the middle.

That was replaced by a LP and cassette tape.

I finally upgraded to a CD one day at Borders Books. The cashier, adorned with multiple facial piercings and stovetop blacking for hair colouring looked at it while chewing Beetle Nuts. She mumbled some unrecorded tribal patois of english about my buying the CD for my kids. i said something in my patois and walked out.

I went to the last independant music store locally.
The owner had the ponytail and personality like the comicbook salesman on the Simpsons. he said " cool, where were you when you first heard it?"