Even with experience, the desert in summer is dangerous.

What works for me (as taught by my grandfather who lived in the Mohave Desert)is to hike early, and plan to be near water by 10am. I plan on 2mph, and and extra hour for every 1,000ft elevation change. (I can normally walk 3mph, but only count on 2mph.) Before leaving camp, I drink as much as possible, often close to 1qt. I carry 1qt of water per hour of walking, and enough for a round trip. When half the water is gone, I turn back.

Many friends have made fun of my heavy pack (due to water) and my lack of "determination" in pressing onto the goal. For over forty years of desert travel, my grandfather's advice has served me well. Along with lots of water, and leaving an itinerary with a close friend, one must always remember that the desert will be there tomorrow. If you take the conservative approach, there will be another day to explore that desert.
