Originally Posted By: Chris Kavanaugh
No, Chris was condemning the various personaes in the survival community that donn images along with misinformation like solar stills and print up brochures as the noble savage, grizzled combat vet or hi tech mountaineer who wears glacier glasses 24/7.

When I establish the Ritternaugh School of Outdoor AND indoor survival ( we found an untapped niche market), corner table of the breakfast cafe in Showlow Arizona ( the one closest to the Men's room and with a panaoramic view of the main road and approaching state troopers) My distinctive outfit wil be Harris tweed Plus Fours.

Sorry Chris I still don't understand. Are you saying these materials don't work? Did buckskin ever?
The Sock
The world is in haste and nears its end – Wulfstan II Archbishop of York 1014.