Originally Posted By: OldBaldGuy
They are not all that great in the hospital either, 'specially if the DNR is not on that particular hospitals form. Been there, done that...

That's one of my (many) beefs with how medical records are handled.

I get a lot of repeat patients and sometimes it's up to staff to remember "hey, Mr X was a DNR last time wasn't he?" and then you have to look up the old records (if you can find it in time because sometimes it's on a different id number or a misspelling of the name) to confirm that and then get the doc to write the order.

Meanwhile, the long estranged son or daughter shows up and demands that every heroic measure be taken to extend Mr X's life regardless what the rest of the family or Mr X wanted.

It's those folks I would like to force to stay in the room when we have to code Mr X. I want them to see what we have to do to their loved one ("you wanted it, now you gotta watch it buddy!).

Sorry for the rant, that's one of my sore spots...

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