Originally Posted By: wildman800
This I have to comment on: I think I know where you're thinking is.

I used to call Miami my "Homeport Away from Homeport". I'd walk into town in the morning and I'd observe this very elderly gentleman being wheeled out onto the porch. I'd be going by again, around lunch and he'd still be there. I'd be sloshing by there, 3 sheets to the wind, that evening, and then I'd watch as the nurse came got him, and wheeled him off to bed, after a changing/freshening up. That old man had been sitting in that chair, in his body waste via a diaper, for the entire day, and everyday that I'd pass by there in good weather.

I hope I'll be able to exercise the .45ACP option before I'd get to that point of an existence.

BTW, I plan to live until my 200th birthday, just to do my part in driving Uncle Sammy broke by paying my retirement and medical expenses, aka: out of pure spite!!!!

I can understand that and I feel that way at times myself.

I've just taken care of so many individuals that enriched my life (while I was changing their diapers) and taught me about grace, dignity, and compassion (and some pretty good dirty jokes) that I hope I'm able to give that to some new nurses/techs in my old age.

I've also taken care of some vicious SOB's that try my patience (oh! how they try my patience - -high speed lead therapy is a tempting treatment option)

I just hope when Alzheimer's gets me I'm entertaining and happy. People will check on me then. If I'm an old a$$hole, they'll just restrain me and close the door and I'll die alone and scared.

Edited by samhain (09/10/08 11:39 PM)
samhain autumnwood