heh - I have a good friend who's B-I-L used to get dumptruck loads of kiln dried oak - FREE, delivered

It seems "G" used to work for a company that did major sewer line work. Well, you know that shoring/cribbing they use to prevent the trench from falling is? It's only allowed to be used ONCE, and then it has to be disposed of. The company was paying a fortune to the dump to take it. HE took it free. The BIG problem was it was covered in DIRT - even though we would take a stiff broom to it to get 90+% of the dirt off, he used to go through chains at a very rapid clip. Biggest hastle was splitting

Interesting, around here in Queens, it's possible to get free firewood most of the time, but it's wet. We have the Asian longhorn beetle, so it's illegal to ship wood out of the area, so the tree companies have all sorts of problems disposing of the wood (they have to pay a fortune) - they are more than willing to drop off say a whole 2+ft diameter oak tree, but the cuts are usually 3+ ft long, weigh a LOT, and you need to have a place to store it till dry. I've been known to watch where guys are known to illegally dump, and come back a year later with my truck...
73 de KG2V
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