I can understand people that really do not have a grasp on what is going on in the world. They should not think that because they believe the world will be a better place without protectors they should try to belittle them. I have been around this great state, and have met some of the best, most giving people I can imagine. I plan on living here for the rest of my life. A friend of mine that was in 1-8 with me lives in Indiana now. He has also had run-ins with the same problem. Now, as being a soldier, when I was younger I have raised my share of cane. I have also paid for it, in money and rank(I have held every one that I had twice!). Now as a NCO I can't do those kind of things. I ahve been in places around the world that have small sites for their military to go. In these places they can unwind, drink, fight to their hearts content. As long as nobody gets killed have fun. They should have places like that in the U.S. for it's military to blow off steam. Nothing is more theraputic then punching somebody in the face, all the anger just vents! Now,I know some people would say that is just horrible, hey it takes a different type of person to do the things that the military does. What do you guys think?
"If you're not shootin', you should be loadin'. If you're not loadin', you should be movin'. If you're not movin', someone's gonna cut your head off and put it on a stick."

-Clint Smith