Which is why I also object to the flag waving, flag wearing and flag bumper sticker jingoism. I know the current infatuation with the military will wane again, and many people will begin to question veteran's benefits. In a few years, no politicians who haven't served will be visiting soldiers in veteran's hospitals. It won't be "nothing is too good for our boys", it will be "why are we spending so much on the military?"

I would prefer to be used like a craftsman uses a tool: used carefully, for the purpose the tool is designed for and kept sharp when not in use. Not like a gangster uses a gun: shown off, used poorly, and thrown down a storm drain afterward.

Treat the military with a constant level of realistic respect. Not overwhelming enthusiasm one year and underwhelming disrespect the next. In 1944, we had the strongest military on the planet. In 1950, we were were unprepared to fight in Korea.

Where were the yellow ribbons and flag stickers in August of 2001?
A gentleman should always be able to break his fast in the manner of a gentleman where so ever he may find himself.--Good Omens