Originally Posted By: OldBaldGuy
I stopped a vehicle for a traffic violation one day many years ago. I exited my patrol vehicle, the violator opened his door, and a huge shepard jumped out and charged me. The hammer was coming back on my .357 when the violator tackled his dog. Luckily I was able to stop that hammer, or I would have drilled them both. I figure I can outdraw most critters, and if I can't, my built in game plan is to feed them my left forearm then gut shoot them 'bout six times with .40SW.

Don't even get me started on pit bulls...

Great reflexes OBG! My Dad took out 2 Dobermans in WW2 with an old "Tommy Gun". The SS Officer he was arresting pretended not to speak English until the Tommy Gun ended up under his chin. He was real cooperative then.