A generator has been on the back burner for a while.

One of those risk management vs resource allocation things.

With Andrew, Katrina, and Rita the most we were ever without power has been 12 hours. Not bad, and much better than even our neighbors down the street.

Wishing I had one now, though I refuse to join the panicking throngs scrambling to the Home Depot buying whatever they can get their hands on without thought to what their needs are or what having one entails.

We're going to look at one probably toward the end of season when they go on sale along with a little portable room sized ac unit.

I don't want to go on impulse and buy something without careful thought.

I'll pour a slab out back for it to chain/anchor that sucker down when the time comes. The hospital's had a number of carbon monoxide poisonings coming in from folks running in or too close to the house for fear of it getting stolen. Shoot, I may even build a little "dog house" for it....

Now we've got a different benchmark for "what could happen" and we can make a better informed decision.

samhain autumnwood