Hello, I'm new to this site and have seen all the really good advice on it. I don't know if I am starting a new topic but I want to know what companies make a great first aid kit. In the Army I have a CLS(Combat Life Saver) bag, and our medic carries his A bag. i am looking for one that is not too expensive, hopefully under a hundered dollars( or cheaper). It will have to support me and maybe a couple of people. I have experience in traumatic wounds on others and myself. I hope this is a good start. I am just getting into this type of activity and do not know any reputable companies outside the military. Thanks for you time.
"If you're not shootin', you should be loadin'. If you're not loadin', you should be movin'. If you're not movin', someone's gonna cut your head off and put it on a stick."

-Clint Smith