I would get the ACR, but only because I would trust it more, and because, if you have the spot for a while, it will get more and more expensive then the ACR, while still giving you less functions. Also about the youth, I am the youth and I think that the Spot is one of the land mines I have to pick up every week from my backyard. Just because it has Les Stroud as their celebrity Spokes person, just shows me that they are making waaaaay to much money from the sales and subscription of their products
Edited by climberslacker (09/07/08 02:24 PM)
http://jacesadventures.blogspot.com/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
impossible is just the beginning
though i seek perfection, i wear my scars with pride
Have you seen the arrow?