Originally Posted By: Grouch
Originally Posted By: harstad
That could include much of the Gulf Coast from Texas to Florida and Florida north to Virginia. Are you saying all these people should move because of Hurricanes?

Nope, they don't have to move but they should pay their own way instead of making everyone else pay to rebuild over and over again.

So we all need to find a place where nothing bad has ever been known to happen. And if we know something bad happens near us we must immediately move. It does not matter if the bad thing is a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, flash or regular flood, wild fire, lightning strike, drought, dust storm, landslide, sinkhole, hail damage, insect invasion, or meteor strike. If it can happen a second time, you must immediately move.

If we don't move immediately, then our insurance against the risk of the bad thing happening is cancelled amd no public agency has to help us or our children, etc. if the bad thing happens again.

I'm thinking this is such a good idea it should be extended to cover manmande hazards. Why should we have to continue to pay for police or fire protection anyplace a crime or arson has been known to happen? Just require everyone to immediately move out of the area or lose police and fire protection!

And moving is easy because there is plenty of land, jobs, good schools, cheap transportation, and opportunity to be had for everyone all the time.

It's all so simple.

Edited by dweste (09/04/08 12:14 PM)