This is the first year I was "serious" about gardening, meaning that I read up and tried to do it "right".

I prepped a 2'x 8' area along the SE wall of the garage. I started four tomato plants and four pepper plants indoors. They didn't get enough light so they were scrawny. I left the tomato plants out too long when I started hardening them off and they got sunburn so I had to buy some to plant. I stepped on one pepper plant and a cutworm got another so I was down to two stunted pepper plants. They are just starting to produce peppers now.

The tomato plants are doing well and I'm harvesting about one very large ripe tomato per day or so.

Meanwhile I seeded a few zucchini plants at each end of the garden and they've been doing so well I'm sick of them by now and they are starting to go bad in the fridge before we eat them. I also planted carrots and lettuce but the zucchini grew so huge so fast they were completley overtaken.

- Tom S.

"Never trust and engineer who doesn't carry a pocketknife."