Underneath all the rubber armor of the Brunton Helios (that makes it comparatively HUGE) there's something that looks suspiciously like a Windmill. It's either a Windmill or a very close knockoff. Note that all that rubber armoring might help protect it from shock, but it doesn't make it more waterproof. Hard to see much benefit, really.
I'm one of those that doesn't much care for the Windmill- it's certainly not very waterproof, doesn't hold much fuel, and seems vastly overpriced... I've taken to carrying a Solo "Storm", which seems better than the Windmill in practically all respects, and costs $15 compared to $50 for the Windmill. So far, it's been much more reliable.
I spent considerable time and money checking out lighters with compasses, from Colibri and Lucienne at the high end to el-cheapo Asian versions on eBay at the low end. ALL the high-end ones I ended up returning (the Colibri, at more than $70, apparently has ferrous metal around the compass, and it doesn't work at all- it points in any direction. The Luceinne was delivered new with a huge air bubble in the compass- they both should be ashamed of what they charge), and the cheapos I tested a bit and threw away. All were useless as a compass, some as a lighter as well.
I note that Solo, the manufacturer of the "Storm" that I'm now carrying, now has an "adventurer" model with a compass, and I'll probably order one of those shortly.