Its easy to put together a decent survival kit for basic misadventures. I think most of us understand that. What I've noticed is that this site isn't about that anymore. After the first ten thousand posts, basic survival kits have pretty well been covered. What hasn't been resolved has to be left up to personal preference. After that we can go one of two ways. We can hunt for CBRN equipment, meteor shelters and tin foil hats. Or we can look for the very best (at least very best for us) equipment. Try new things. Basically, play. There aren't many expeditions to the Arctic, nor through the Congo. And when they do go, the system has pretty well been figured out. We're not discovering anything remarkably new.
Its a hobby. Once we realize that we can either quit, or embrace it. Survival tools and techniques, they are my hobby. A beneficial hobby. But a hobby none the less.
A gentleman should always be able to break his fast in the manner of a gentleman where so ever he may find himself.--Good Omens