Originally Posted By: ironraven
Well, Burma was more than just a flood, and is a long term kit. For a larger stock, yes, having more tackle and line makes sense, but a gill net is your best bet.

For a small kit, the biggest purpose of a fishing kit... *looks around* C'mere... *motions firefly closer* Don't tell anyone, but *whispers* in a PSK, the biggest role of a fishing kit is to keep you out of trouble and near a clear spot where air search can find you in the first three days.

For that role, little hooks and 8 pound mono line is fine. Besides, you are more likely to get <3 pound fish. You KNOW those are in any healthy pond or stream. I stick a tiny fishing module in small kits, along with about 30' of 12# braided specta, which is similar in thickness to 8# mono and doesn't have the memory. That's enough to get out a few set poles, or rig a trotline with assistance of a sapling or a bit of paracord. To give you some scale, that prototype is with a 2x2" ziplock.
I failed to comprehend from the above quote, that you had bigger kits. You only mentioned you included "tiny fishing module" in small kits. I agreed with most of your statements. I disagreed with your statement on the role of fishing kit in PSK.
Originally Posted By: ironraven
in a PSK, the biggest role of a fishing kit is to keep you out of trouble and near a clear spot where air search can find you in the first three days

I would like to echo bigreddog's statement.
Originally Posted By: bigreddog
I agree that if you carry one it should be up to the task.

Edited by firefly99 (08/20/08 04:23 PM)