Well, I think most people will advise you to take it one step at a time.

A good place to start is simply to build up a reserve of food and water. Instead of having one can of refried beans on hand, have ten. Every time you go to the store, but one more than you need for that week or month and stock/rotate what you normally eat.

Water storage is also easy if you keep an open mind. Simply filling washed two-liter soda bottles begins to build a supply that is easy to move and store.

Add a few flashlights, batteries and first aid kit/medicine as well as battery powered radios will get you through quite a bit if you are staying through the emergency in your house.

Regarding your husband, one technique would be to play into a guy's natural desire to provide and protect his family. I wouldn't be blunt about it, but most guys are a bit thick in the head and could use a few hints.