I got news for everyone out there... My precious wife, standing at 5' 4" won the most outstanding female law enforcement officer in the USAF. She did this by not only being trained by the Air Force, but cross training with the Green Beret. She first gained their respect by qualifying expert with not only a 9mm but with AR-15 and the 60 cal. My wife is a very viable threat to any and all comers that are infringing on the welfare of the family. As far as hitting a woman, I do not condone it, but in my wife's words "If she hits (attacks) like a man - then you should hit her like a man." Ya - in this day and age, anyone and I do mean ANYONE over the age of 12 can and should be considered capable of inflicting harm. That does not mean that they will, but they certainly have the potential.
A government big enough to give you everything you want,
is strong enough to take everything you have.
Thomas Jefferson