Survival equipment is stuff that if used properly can aid in promoting survival.

Survival techniques are those tasks that, when done properly, result in beneficial outcomes intended to promote survival.

Survival skills are knowing how and when to use the equipment and techniques to generate the desired outcome.

Survival mentality accepting that facing a difficult situation is inevitable, and adequately preparing for the potential that all the above will be necessary, and taking the time to acquire the equipment, learn the techniques, and develop the skills so that when the time comes, we are equipped and ready, both mentally and physically to accomplish the objective, which is to survive.

Survival skills, in their order of importance to me, are as follows:

1. Planning ahead

2. Identifying equipment and techniques that provide the best chance of success.

3. Recognizing value for money.

4. Networking, studying the subject matter continously, and regular practice.

5. Staying fit enough to endure.

Those are the top five, anyways.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)