For dinner tonight DD (my most enthusiastic camping/canoeing partner) and I “taste tested” some Backpackers Pantry products we had. Why? Because we could! Wife is out with the “girls” and DS is at a sleep-over.

BEEF STROGANOFF: 2 serving pkg. use by date:05.09.08
taste: not bad
quantity: sufficient for 2 if not real hungry, about right if after a long wilderness day.
Texture: following the directions yields stroganoff soup

Rec.: buy again yes, next time use 25% less water.

THAI SPICY PEANUT SAUCE: 2 serving pkg. use by date:05.28.09
taste: verrrry spicy, unfortunately no other flavor
quantity: sufficient for 2 if not real hungry, about right if after a long wilderness day.
Texture: following the directions: worse than al dente. Needed 20 min. to “cook”, not 10, then ok.

Rec.: leave it on the shelf unless the alternative is to starve.

Just another exciting night at the ranch.
"Sometimes, it's better to be lucky than skillfull"