Hey, Taurus, welcome back.

Glad you survived the transition -- moving is pure hell IMO.

Re supplies: Looking at my uncoordinated store, I think 60 days would exhaust a lot of my essentials. More than that is called "farming" -- growing and storing food. Having contacts in farm country, I'd be working out some options long before I hit that wall.

Re deer: Good idea leaving a healthy population for hard times. Others may thank you by helping themselves, so get to know the locals and spread the word about keeping a few for ourselves. Apples are a good draw, but a salt lick is the holy grail -- brings them in from miles around, and keeps them coming back.

Re water: Suggest you do some homework regarding your stretch of the Ottawa River. Lots of illegal toxic chemical waste dumps from the "good old days" before regulation, now leaching out. Google will give you a starting point.
