Hey, I don't like being compared to a she anything shocked LOL

20 years ago I was less bulky (at least 50 lbs less) and climbed a lot of radio towers for a living. Now I set behind a desk 8 hours a day and try to get to the gym when I can.

In 2004 I went vertical after an elk (well, near vertical anyways, at least that's how it looked/felt) that we came up on. I tried to keep up, really I did, but after about 40 yards it left me behind. My problem was I couldn't see it's head to tell if I could shoot it, so I had to drive it, and that didn't work out so well. I went too far, and started sucking wind like I'd never sucked it before. I felt like I was underwater, and locked up pretty severely just as my buddies were catching up to me. "Man, you can really hustle" my buddy says to me. Of course I am heaving so hard I cannot even nod or otherwise acknowledge him, just gasp and try to stay on my feet. They leave me alone then, probably hoping I don't die right there on the spot. I got about a 150 yards or so up the hill before I gassed out. Still felt good to dog that elk up the hill, but I stood not a chance, and I could tell mortality is overtaking me. It turned out the elk was not one I could've shot anyways.

Oh yeah, that was 2" cotton rope hung from a tree at my friend's house. I used to climb it and tap the branch it was tied to. My buddies used to complain cuz they said I got a head start due to my height. I asked them if they would like to climb it with the extra 30 or more pounds I had on them, and I would be happy to start on my knees instead. That shut them up. Back in high school we had a similar rope hung on a tree that swung out over a ravine. I was one of the few who could tarzan swing on that thing all the way out and back using just my arms. One kid tried it and lost, and broke his neck in the fall. That was the end of the big swing.

At least I can still shoot. I am sure in time that too will diminish. Good thing I can cook.

The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)