"Funny they are hardly mentioned. But then I guess they would be hard to fit in your pocket."<br><br>Check out camera tripod manufacturers (e.g. www.gitzo.com) Gitzo makes a variety of camera monopods, at least some of which are advertised as "monopod/walking stick". (Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with Gitzo in any way, I don't even own one of their tripods, but I understand they have a solid reputation.) Some of these collapse down to as small as 40 cm (about 16"), most of them collapse to 58-60 cm (about 2').<br><br>I suppose you could devise a survival kit which could be fastened onto a standard camera mount (it's most likely a standard 1/4" bolt, although my Manfrotto tripod came with a 5/8" mount. Some people just have to be different).<br><br><br>
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled."