I imagine its a knee-jerk reaction, and yet another "zero-tolerance", "zero-intellegence" mandate. We recently had one here regarding eye protection. Every plant employee must now wear safety glasses when outside the office area. Now according to OSHA, they are only required when charging or changing the batteries on the cherry picker, changing the propane tanks on the lift truck, working with caustic materials(my water softner chemicals), or where there is flying debris. Such as working with the drills, saws, grinders, etc..
But because our insurance company wants to minimize actually having to pay out, they have decided to require our company to mandate wearing safety glasses. In 90 degree weather with humidity rarely dropping below the 80's here in Florida, it means im walking/working blind from sweat and "fogging" of the glasses most of the time. But hey, at least my eyeballs will be safe.

-Bill Liptak